SEND Code of practice and Provision
The SEND Code of Practice uses four ‘umbrella’ terms to identify Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Please click below if you would like more information about each of these terms and how we support learners at Jack Hunt School.
Communication and Interaction
This is the term used to describe conditions that affect a child’s ability to interact with their peers and/or learning environment. Autism Spectrum Conditions, Severe and Specific Language Impairment or Speech, Language and Communication needs would fall within this category, as would any other profile that demonstrated a difficulty in a child’s access to language and social opportunity.
At Jack Hunt School, we ensure learners receive Quality-first teaching, with strategies to create Autism-friendly classrooms. Lessons will be delivered through a range of teaching and learning strategies – visual, practical and experiential – in order to ensure all learners have an opportunity to be involved. Where learners continue to struggle, they may be identified for further intervention, support at unstructured times, additional support within the classroom and/or differentiated learning materials.
Cognition and Learning
This is the term used to describe specific or global learning difficulties that impact on a child’s ability to make academic progress. It may be due to conditions such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or Dyscalculia; or a child may require work to be delivered at a lower level to enable them to make progress from their baseline. Children may also require a different curriculum if the National Curriculum levels are unattainable at their current stage of education.
Learners at Jack Hunt School receive Quality-first teaching, which seeks to identify prior knowledge and develop each child from their own individual starting point. Where learners continue to struggle with reading, writing or numeracy, they may be identified for intervention groups, either within Learning Support or within the English and Maths Departments.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
This is the term used to describe special educational needs that impact on a learner’s ability to cope emotionally and socially with the rigours of a busy secondary education and those that are increasingly experiencing difficulties with mental ill health.
Learners with behaviour that challenges do not necessarily have an underlying special educational need and, equally, children with special educational needs do not necessarily display challenging behaviour. However, at Jack Hunt School we have a large pastoral team who work with the Learning Support Department to identify when a learner is struggling with school and put in place a regularly-reviewed plan of support to enable a learner to succeed. Where a learner continues to struggle, the school will consider a range of strategies to support them such as counselling, key worker support, anger management and other interventions to see them succeed to the best of their abilities.
Sensory and Physical Impairment
At Jack Hunt, we have a specialist Hub for learners with Physical Disability. As such, we have a team of experienced staff who work with learners, their teachers and families to identify the most suitable adjustments for learners based on their physical access needs. We also have a number of hearing impaired learners in school and several staff are trained in British Sign Language, deaf awareness and language and communication strategies. There are a number of staff who are trained in assisting people to move safely, providing intimate care, Evacuchair and Rescumat strategies as well as physiotherapy work.